普諾賽NCI-H146 [H146] (人小細胞肺癌細胞)
- 品名: 普諾賽NCI-H146 [H146] (人小細胞肺癌細胞)
- 型號: CL-0693
- 產品詳情
- 規格參數
名稱 | NCI-H146 [H146] (人小細胞肺癌細胞) (STR鑒定正確) |
別稱 | H146; H-146; NCIH146 |
背景描述 | Derived from the pleural fluid of a patient with small cell lung cancer; the cells express elevated levels of the 4 biochemical markers characteristic of SCLC: neuron-specific enolase, the brain isoenzyme of creatine kinase, L-dopa decarboxylase and bombesin-like immunoreactivity; the cells stain positively for keratin and vimentin but are negative for neurofilament triplet protein; the cells express relatively high amounts of c-myc mRNA, but no amplification of the gene is detected. |
種屬 | 人類 |
年齡(性別) | 男性,59歲 |
組織來源 | 肺 |
生長特性 | 懸浮細胞 |
細胞形態 | 淋巴母細胞樣 |
細胞類型 | 腫瘤細胞 |
腫瘤類型 | 肺癌細胞 |
生長培養基 | RPMI-1640+10% FBS+1% P/S |
推薦傳代比例 | 1:2-1:3 |
推薦換液頻率 | 2~3次/周 |
凍存條件 | 凍存液:55% 基礎培養基+40%FBS+5%DMSO溫度:液氮 |
培養條件 | 氣相:空氣,95%;CO2,5%溫度:37℃ |
基因表達情況 | vasopressin negative; oxytocin negative; gastrin releasing peptide negative; vimentin positive by immunostaining; keratin positive by immunostaining; neurofilament triplet protein negative; c-myb mRNA; v-fms mRNA; Ha-ras mRNA; Ki-ras mRNA; N-ras mRNA; c-raf 1 mRNA; myc+; myb+; raf+; ras+; fms+; fes - |
注意事項 | 該細胞為懸浮細胞,請注意離心收集細胞懸液;請勿直接倒掉細胞培養液。 |
保藏機構 | ATCC; HTB-173 |
Amelogenin X CSF1PO 11 D2S1338 19 D3S1358 11 D5S818 12 D7S820 9,10 D8S1179 12,14 D13S317 12 D16S539 11 D18S51 15,17 D19S433 13,14 D21S11 30 FGA 23 PentaD 13 PentaE 12 TH01 6,9.3 TPOX 8,11 vWA 14,16 D6S1043 11,19 D12S391 18.3,25 D2S441 10,14